Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Breast Beating

My grocer said breasts to me the other day. As in "I don't like women without hips and bums and breasts" (we have a fairly close relationship do me and Charles). I was telling the fish about it, and she said that breasts is a difficult word to pull off. Too many consonants together - that sts part of the word is so hard to pronounce, she says. "Hrm" I said. "Breasts breasts breasts". Nope - I find it easy, but I am used to speaking silly Czech words like zmrzlina and krc. An S a T and an S together poses no problem for me.
Bring on the consonants I say.


ivoryfishbone said...

i think it is impossible for anyone to say 'breasts' without making the kind of facial contortions that made les dawson and benny hill into gurning stars ...

Anonymous said...

You see, I'm no breast lady either. I find it uncomfortable to say it.. I feel as though I am trying to be too grown up.
But then again, in the food sense, I can say it no problem. Chicken breasts... well you wouldn't say Chicken boobs, or chicken wongas, or chicken boogaloos would you? and yes! I realise how childish I would sound using all of the above. I need to find a happy medium somewhere. I have the same problem with testicles.... can't say it and yet balls is so crude. My what a quandry you have given me to work out tonight!

Pesk said...

oh i dont know - chicken boogaloos sounds good. I shall make it my mission to ask the butcher for some chicken boogaloos on Friday.
I cant say balls either - grapes?

ivoryfishbone said...


say THAT to your green grocer next time pesk ...

how true tracey about sounding grown up ... it's such a serious word ... breasts ... breaaaaasssttttssssss ...


what about fanny? chuff? minge?

Pesk said...

no wonder P27 keeps booting me off the new blog page with smut like this.
Foo anyway, in our house. As it get yer hand off yer foo for chrissakes. Which brings a whole new image into play when i see the words Foo Fighters.

Anonymous said...

I was giggling like a 10 year old watching Springwatch when they said they were going off to film the chuffs! I had to watch just in case....
Oh for goodness sakes we are not acting our ages at all are we?
Fish - what about Flue ....haha, my mum used to hate it when I said that. Testicles was always knackers when I was younger, now I just don't say it. I point with my eyes and mouth the words.. :o)
Pesk, I need to know how your butcher reacts. Report back!