Monday, August 06, 2007

Today, I shall be mostly saying....

£1 a 1lb if you pick them yourself... no, bring them back here and I'll weigh them when you're finished... yes, plenty over there just before the raspberries...

It's not my day for the farm shop, but I agreed to do it after looking at the weather forecast (cloudy). Of course, the day dawns and it's not bloody cloudy at all, it's brilliant blue sky. I hate the BBC. I could do a better job of predicting the weather with a handful of raisins, a wet copy of the Guardian and a sodding pine cone. Still, it's all money.

Click on the picture and look at the lovely signs... notice that there isn't an aberrant apostrophe in sight. Am I letting the side down? I might add some for the hell of it today. Strawberry's... Cherry's. I might even put some quotation marks around things too, 'Carrot's'.

My grocer has a sign which says 'Plumb's'. You have to go a long way to beat that one.


Anonymous said...

Save me some raspberries!
Don't get me started on commas!
I hope that you've had a good day.

Anonymous said...

Last year I found one of those signs here in the antipodes. [hoping the html works]

Around My Kitchen Table said...

The best aberrant apostrophe I ever saw was in a baker's shop. It was proudly advertising that it sold GATEAUX'S!
I came upon your blog by accident and am really enjoying reading it. I've commented on this post because it caught my attention but I'm still laughing at your later one, Domestic Daze.
7am Get up
7.02am Have a pee
7.04am Realise that loo roll is in cupboard on other side of house.

Around My Kitchen Table said...

Have just realised that I am linked on your blog so I must have been here before. God, brain the size of a pea these days. I must have visited you before, really liked your blog but forgot to link you - an oversight I will rectify immediately!

Pesk said...

I don't think you've been here before - I am a lurker on your fab blog though. I put links in the side bar not only so others can go see, but also so that I can have a handy leap to my favourites. Gateaux's - that is really rather brilliant... not an easy word to spell, the chalker must've been so proud...

Pesk said...

archie - I missed that! When I see things like that I am torn... between sniggering and hating myself for being a non progressive snob about it. I have to say, the sniggers are winning.